OK, we are done…

OK, so we are done with this.  I was having coffee with my baristas and felt, “I’m bored”.  And if I’m bored, so are you.  I had this whole series left to chat about, like the act of communication, the listener, interaction and what happens after the communication.  Then I thought, OK, it is not the series that people want to follow.  They want a new look at something.  Communication in Retail; seriously?  How much can you actually speak about this and not have someone listening (reading) and say, are you done yet?  Ten parts, you are killing me?

So we change directions.  We look at things asymmetrically.  We do what I have been working to do for the past five years in my business – look at something from left field.  I am not sure I will always get there but we will see.  Here is what will happen.  I will now have a new blog/widget thingy on the web site.  It will still post as a blog but be part of new concept.  The irony is that it is not new.  It is based on the same learning philosophy I have had since I started – “What If?”  I will post ideas and concepts based on improvisational or situational awareness and decision making.  Yes, I will still post some things on a consistent basis, but not on a boring repetitious series.  Unless something like Coffee Talk with Baristas gets at the forefront.  I was chatting with a friend today and he is the catalyst for all this shenanigans.  He said the Coffee Talk with Baristas was different.  He said, “I would read that and I don’t even know what it is about.”  Communication in Retail; I’m killing myself.

Are you ready to start a new line of thought?  All I can guarantee is work needing to be done by you.  I will establish the equation, the situation with possibilities.  Then you show up.  I love it.  Are you ready to improvise your thoughts???
