How far is non-compliance?

What if the team member was non-compliant, then ok and then was non-compliant again?

I love, love, love this debate.  It is so classic and at the same time (at least in my workshops) completely divides a room.

Here is the context for our moment.  Todd has had two times he has been late.  For different reasons and by policy you had to write him up for the second “infraction”.  I have a love/hate relationship with that word.  I also like the word bedlam – not nearly used enough.  I was also asked once to share a word which immediately creates an emotional response.  Without hesitation, I said “moist”.  But I am getting off topic.  OK, so Todd lives up to expectation, but on six months and one day, he is late again.  While the amount of time may seem random, I actually do have a point regarding that.  What do you do?  I love this situation.

Here is one side of the room.  This is for the can-squishing, tree-hugging, Birkenstock-wearing, freedom-fighters – Todd deserves to be allowed to start over.  He proved he could change and even in the light of the new mishap, he should not have to be “re-punished” for something he did again.

Here is the other side.  This is for the rules-abiding, no-such-thing-as-grey, boot-clicking, standard-lovers – Todd is now at the next stage no matter what.  He knew the circumstances.  He must own his destiny now.  He must be suspended for an offense he obviously cares little for.

What do you think?  Which side of the fence are you on?  Here is my reason for mentioning six months and a day.  Some organizations do in fact have it that if someone shows a change within a set period of time, their previous issue is expunged.  Here is my point, what if it is that time frame and one day – who is winning and who is losing here?  Maybe it is not a question of winning or losing.  Maybe it is a question of acceptable and unacceptable.  Or is it what you will allow?  Or is it what you really view as important?  Who cares in this situation?  Are you thinking about this right now?

From now on, I plead no side but will in my professional and personal perspective provide a little into each and then what may work in this situation.

Freedom-fighters, listen up.  You are right to say, he did change his behavior, even if it was for a time.  What does the policy say?  You may feel compelled to start over due to process.  Standard-lovers, your turn.  You are right to say, if it is the same issue – you cannot just look past something that is known and obvious.  So both are right?

To start off, the issue is being late.  Some will dismiss this issue merely because the topic or hypothetical situation is way too trivial given the totality of what business expects.  I use this situation as means to present simple and easy to manage as a means to create a dialogue for what is more complex and central to the business.  Look at something easy as a means to assess the more difficult.  To what degree are you willing to allow something to be “trivial”?  OK?

This is the same issue.  You must look at the context first.  Was this without excuse, without any attempt of contact?  Does this matter?  Yeah, a bit.  However, the “infraction” is still the infraction.  Again, presuming this is the same thing, you must tag it – you must call it out as unacceptable.  It is right to state, that this is not a new discussion.  Now here is the big point, do you go to the next progressive disciplinary step?  I say no.  I say you let them know it is unacceptable and start where you left off with the reality check: “If you do this again, it is grounds for termination.”  They now know you are serious. (and everyone else see that as well).  You are in the same place, not starting over (giving them the “aha” that they did make some changes).  You are also establishing that there is a threshold for non-compliance (at some point, you will tag un-willingness).

This sounds so serene and easy.  It won’t be.  Many of you will just start over and that will be fine.  Some of you will just fire them.  I will still sleep and so will you.  My post on this is not the “end-all-be-all”.  I ask you to research other sources on this topic.  I have in truthful earnest given you my perspective.  I say this politically correct pre amble (or is it a post amble) to make you stretch.  To make you reach.  To make you question.  What if this happens, what will you do?  What can you do?  It is just being late.