Coaching; I Don’t Know

As manager, ever been in a situation and didn’t know what to do? How about after being asked a question? Managers get all kinds of questions. Good questions, lack of training questions, unnecessary questions and “I don’t know the answer to that, I’ll get back to you” questions. We all face questions and situations where we just don’t know. […]

Coaching; What You Don’t Say Matters

I just got back from a Manager’s Fall Summit and the topic was coaching. The company’s objective was to solidify their coaching culture. To clarify the process, establish best practices, define support and target a call to action. The collective vibe was quite impressive. They bought in and you could see it. Now a week has passed and I […]

Can the Sales Process Save our Communication Woes?

Has technology affected communication? When asked, I provoked the managers present that it has produced a certain loss of effectiveness. I was immediately challenged with “What? How can you suggest that? We can communicate whenever, wherever, all over the globe with a push of a button. Communication now is incredibly effective.” Yes. You’re right. Speed…coverage…devices…pokemon go…amazing. When a couple goes out […]

Tapping into an Ongoing Source

In my most recent post, Carrying Forth the Candor from Training, the intention was to highlight the specific feeling experienced in training and how one might continue that same mindset after training.  What of the skill set?  The actual lessons learned.  How does one continue practicing what was learned? This in a word is adoption.  […]

Finding Your Management & Leadership Voice

“Why did you choose to say it that way?” the trainer commented to the manager in session. “I don’t know. I guess I don’t want to come across as harsh. I know I should be more direct. You know, more assertive. I’m just not sure how to do that.” Newly promoted managers can be challenged […]


Managers and leaders may say they are interested in knowing their team’s motivation or interests, but sometimes do not deliver any behavior that supports that knowledge.  In other words, they say they care, but really don’t. Disingenuous \ˌdis-in-ˈjen-yə-wəs, -yü-əs-\ : not truly honest or sincere : giving the false appearance of being honest or sincere  (Merriam-Webster Dictionary […]

Executing a customer experience AND having fun doing it

As I sat with a store manager discussing how to ensure a team is executing customer experience expectations, she offered up at a rather nondescript comment “I just want my team to have fun”.  Wait.  Fun.  What do you mean by fun?  What is “fun”? This is not a trick or me trying to be […]