Lament much?

I play poker with a couple of guys in the neighborhood.  Ten bucks in and you too can be the winner of, uh, seventy bucks.  We have been doing this for a bit.  Fun stuff.  Most recently, I did and thought what many do when you fold.  You second guess.  You think too much about […]

An end.

I have recently become aware of that my favorite coffee place will no longer be.  They have had to make a difficult decision regarding “to be or not to be” due to a lease.  And selfishly, I must find a new place.  I must say the harder realization is that several baristas that I have […]

Mistake, anyone?

Do over.  Right?  Or is it mulligan?  I was listening to music today and felt compelled to write this thought, this blog.  What if you make a mistake? While the easy question is have you ever made a mistake, the better question is what you did with the learning when you made it?  Ask my […]